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Main Menu > Inventory Enquiry



The Inventory Enquiry program is used to view product information. This screen has multiple tabs General (F5), Stock (F6) and Sales/Purchasing (F7) with each tab described in it's own topic.


Global Inventory Enquiry Screen

Global Inventory Enquiry Screen


Number 1

Product – Users can enter a product code if known or click magnifying glass to search. Please refer to Finding Products for more information.

Number 2

W/H Code – If the product is located in more than one warehouse, users can change the warehouse code by entering another warehouse code or click magnifying glass to search.

Number 3

Audit Trail – Allows users to view the Audit Trail for the selected product.



Number 4

Navigates users to the Quick Attach Files to Product screen to attach files to the Product. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to Product for more information.



NOTE: The below buttons are visible on all screens in Global Inventory Enquiry.




Number 1

Exit (F4) - Closes the Global Inventory Enquiry screen.

Number 2

Back (F3) - Exits out of the selected product allowing users to select a different product.

Number 3

Notes & Attachments - Allows users to add/or view any Notes & Attachments that may be attached to the product. Please refer to Product Notes & Attachments for more information.

Number 4

Jump To (F8) - (The options available in the Jump To button will be determined by users access).

1. Multi W/H Enquiry - Navigates users to Inventory Enquiry - Product Position by Warehouse where users can view the selected product in each warehouse.


2. Supplier Stock Levels - Navigates users to Supplier Stock Levels.

3. EzCode Enquiry - Navigates users to EzCode Product Enquiry if the selected product has an EzCode.

4. Product Maintenance - Navigates users to Product Masterfile Maintenance.

5. Print Shelf Label - Allows users to print a shelf label for the selected product.

6. Quantity Adjustment - Navigates users to Stock Adjustments.

7. Average Cost Adjustment - Navigates users to Stock Adjustments.

8. Product-to-Product Transfer - Navigates users to Stock Transfers.

9. W/H-to-W/H Transfer - Navigates users to Stock Transfers. (Not available in BBSCloud Lite).

A. Enter BOM Build Order - Navigates users to BOM Build Order Entry & Maintenance.




Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

This Info: ALT+q
Page Header: ALT+h
Topic Header: ALT+t
Topic Body: ALT+b
Contents: ALT+c
Search: ALT+s
Exit Menu/Up: ESC