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The following details apply to ALL product code entry fields throughout BBS Accounting, except the main product code entry field in Product Masterfile Maintenance (which only accepts the BBS product code). All product entry fields are case insensitive and accept up to 50 characters.


There are three ways to search for products in BBS Accounting and each is explained below.

tog_minus Product Code Fields

tog_minus Wildcard Searching

tog_minus Keyword Searching


Repeating and Refining Wildcard or Keyword Searches

To repeat the last Wildcard or Keyword search performed, users can enter double asterisks (**) in the Product Code fields and then press enter.



The search term can be edited on the ‘Find Products – Keyword and Wildcard Search’ screen to re-run a search with an altered search string. If an asterisk (*) is entered at the end of the search string, the system will perform a wildcard search, however if the asterisk is entered at the start of the search string, or no asterisk is entered at all, the system will perform a keyword search.




In both Wildcard and Keyword searches, the arrow keys or mouse can be used to highlight a product in the list. The Enter key or ‘Select’ button will then select the highlighted product. The Global Inventory Enquiry can also be accessed for the highlighted product using the button provided, or the F9 key. Only the first 5000 results are returned, and 50 results are displayed at a time. Use the ‘Load More’ button, or press F5 to load more items into the list.


Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

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