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Main Menu > Sales Order Enquiry

Main Menu > Sales Ordering > Sales Order Enquiry


The Sales Order Enquiry program allows users to view existing Sales Orders and quotes. To create, edit and delete Sales Orders and quotes, please refer to Creating & Maintaining Sales Orders & Quotes.


Sales Order Enquiry Screen

Sales Order Enquiry Screen


Number 1

When an existing Sales Order number is entered into the Order No field, the details of the sales order including customer details will be displayed.

Number 2

Messages - Allows users to view a list of messages attached to the Sales Order

Messages alert

Number 3

Deliveries - Allows users to view a list of delivery dockets, manifests and proof of deliveries if part or all of the order has already been shipped. Please refer to Delivery Dockets, Manifests & PODs for more information.

Number 4

Picking History - Allows users to view a list of the picking history.

SOE Picking History

View Pick Slip - Allows users to view the PDF of the Picking Slip

View Pick Run - Allows users to view the PDF of the Picking Run

Number 5

Pre-Payments - Allows users to see pre-payments applied to a Sales Order, and also the invoice/s that have taken up the pre-payment.

SOE Pre Payments

Number 6

Audit Trail - Allows users to view the Audit Trail for the Sales Order

SOE Audit Trail

Number 7

Displays a list of the product lines on the sales order. When a product line is double clicked, a pop up box will display more detail of the product line. Please refer to Sales Order Enquiry - Line Detail for more information.

Number 8

Print Order - Allows users to print the Sales Order in various formats (Sales Order (Internal Copy), Order Confirmation, Proforma Invoice, Delivery Note, Delivery Note (POD), Quotation, Work Order) to either the screen or printer

Sales Order Printing Screen

Number 9

Notes & Attachments - Allows users to view any Notes & Attachments that may be attached to the Sales Order. Please refer to Debtors Notes & Attachments for more information.

Number 10

Global Customer Enquiry - Navigates users to the Global Customer Enquiry screen

Number 11

Jump To (F8) -

1. Sales Order/Quote Maintenance - Allows users to maintain/edit the sales order

2. Copy to New Sales Order/Quote - Allows users to create a copy of the sales order to either the same customer or another customer, the same warehouse or another warehouse. Please refer to New from Existing Sales Order/Quote for more information.

3. Invoice/Confirm Sales Order - Allows users to confirm and invoice the sales order. Please refer to Manually Invoice Sales Order for more information.

4. Split Sales Order/Quote - Allows users to split the sales order/quote onto a new sales order/quote. Please refer to Split a Sales Order/Quote for more information.

5. Enter POS Payment/Refund - Allows users to enter a payment/refund for the selected sales order. Where the sales order is part paid, users will receive the below pop up message asking if they wish to process a payment or refund.


Where a sales order is fully paid users will be navigated to the Point of Sale - Receive Payment screen to issue a refund or where no payment has been applied to the selected sales order to take payment.

Please refer to POS - Customer Payment/Refund for more information.

6. Send Order Collection SMS - Allows users to send a SMS to the customer notifying them that their sales order is ready for pick-up/collection. Please refer to Send Order Collection SMS for more information.

Number 12

Navigates users to the Quick Attach File to Debtors Account screen to attach files to the sales order. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to Debtor Account for more information.

tog_minus Sales Order Enquiry - Line Detail

tog_minus Send Order Collection SMS



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