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The Customer button on the main menu allows users to search for a customer and then navigate to the customer enquiry for the selected customer. A search can be performed by entering a customer code or keyword/s to search for. Users can then tap on the relevant customer and navigate to the Customer Enquiry screen for the selected customer.



Number 1

The customer code or keyword/s to search for. Tapping the 'x' will clear the search box allowing users to enter a different code or keyword to search for.

Number 2

Tapping the double up arrow icon will navigate users back to the customer enquiry screen for the previous viewed customer. Where users have not viewed a customer since the app was last closed tapping this icon will produce a blank screen.

Number 3

cust enq pop out

Tapping the options menu allows users to select to include Closed Accounts and Prospect accounts in the search results.

Number 4

Tapping the magnifying glass icon will perform the search using the criteria in the customer search field.

Number 5

Customers will display below the customer search field using the criteria entered. Tapping a customer will navigate users to the Customer Enquiry screen for the selected customer.


The Customer Enquiry has multiple tabs, Debtors, Addresses, Contacts, CRM Custom Fields, Outstanding Sales Orders, Outstanding Tasks, Notes & Attachments, Tasks History, Quote History, Order History, Invoice History and Invoice Line History with each tab described below. Please note: Some tabs within this section will only display approximately 100 of the most recent results, a search box is provided to allow users to filter records to view more items matching the search criteria.

BBSATOM Customer Enquiry

Number 1

Tapping the magnifying glass allows users to search for another customer.

Number 2


Tapping the options menu allows users to perform the following functions. Available options are dependant on users access permissions.

Add Note - Allows users to add a note for the selected customer. Please refer to Add a Note for more information.

Add Task - Allows users to add a task for the selected customer. Please refer to Add a Task for more information.

Add Contact - Allows users to add a contact for the selected customer. Please refer to Adding and Editing Contacts.

Edit Customer/Prospect - Allows users to edit details for the selected customer/prospect. Please refer to Editing Customer/Prospect Details.

Create Order/Quote - Allows users to create sales orders and quotes for the selected customer. Please refer to Create Quote/Sales Order

Customer/Product Details - Allows users to view at a glance information relating to the selected customer for a specific product. Please refer to Customer/Product Details for more information.

Number 3

The top of the Customer Enquiry screen displays general information relating to the selected customer.

Customer Code - Displays the customer code for the selected customer.

Customer Name- Displays the customer's name for the selected customer.

Sales Rep - Displays the sales rep for the selected customer.

Market Code - Displays the market code for the selected customer.

Customer Group - Displays the customer group for the selected customer.

Customer Type - Displays the customer type for the selected customer.

Sales Contact - Displays the sales contact name for the selected customer.

Sales Phone - Displays the sales phone number for the selected customer. Tapping on the phone number hyperlink will initiate a telephone call.

Sales Email - Displays the sales email address for the selected customer. Tapping the email address hyperlink will initiate an email (where an email account has been setup on the device).

Number 4

Debtors - Displays the debtors tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Debtors for more information

Number 5

Addresses - Displays the addresses tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Addresses for more information.

Number 6

Contacts - Displays the contacts tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Contacts for more information.

Number 7

CRM Custom Fields - Displays the CRM Custom Fields tab for the selected customer. Please refer to CRM Custom Fields for more information.

Number 8

Outstanding Sales Orders - Displays the outstanding sales orders tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Outstanding Sales Orders for more information.

Number 9

Outstanding Tasks - Displays the outstanding tasks tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Outstanding Tasks for more information.

Number 10

Notes & Attachments - Displays the notes & attachments tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Notes & Attachments for more information.

Number 11

Tasks History - Displays the tasks history tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Tasks History for more information.

Number 12

Quote History - Displays the quote history tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Quotes History for more information.

Number 13

Order History - Displays the order history tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Order History for more information.

Number 14

Invoice History - Displays the invoice history tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Invoice History for more information.

Number 15

Invoice Line History - Displays the invoice line history tab for the selected customer. Please refer to Invoice Line History for more information.

tog_minus Debtors

tog_minus Addresses

tog_minus Contacts

tog_minus CRM Custom Fields

tog_minus Outstanding Sales Orders

tog_minus Outstanding Tasks

tog_minus Notes & Attachments

tog_minus Tasks History

tog_minus Quote History

tog_minus Order History

tog_minus Invoice History

tog_minus Invoice Line History

tog_minus Editing Customer/Prospect Details




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