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The Inventory Enquiry button on the main menu allows users to search for a product and then navigate to the inventory enquiry for the selected product. A search can be performed by entering a product code, OEM code, BBS code, EzCode or by scanning the products barcode, a search can also be performed by entering a keyword/s to search for. Users can then tap on the relevant product and navigate to the Inventory Enquiry screen for the selected product.



Number 1

The product code or keyword/s to search for. Tapping the 'x' will clear the search box allowing users to enter a different code or keyword to search for.

Number 2

Tapping the double up arrow icon will navigate users back to the inventory enquiry screen for the previous viewed product. Where users have not viewed a product since the app was last closed tapping this icon will produce a blank screen.

Number 3


Tapping the options menu allows users to select to search a different warehouse, to only search for products that are in stock and/or core products only.


Number 4

Tapping the magnifying glass icon will perform the search using the criteria in the product search field.

Number 5

Tapping the barcode icon will access the devices camera to allow users to scan a product's barcode to perform the search.

Number 6

Products will display below the product search field using the criteria entered. Tapping a product will navigate users to the Inventory Enquiry screen for the selected product.


The Inventory Enquiry has multiple tabs, Product Details, Balances and Activity, Balances in other Warehouses, Sell Prices, Cost Prices, Suppliers, Outstanding Sales Orders and Outstanding Purchase Orders with each tab described below.

BBSAtom Inventory Enq 3

Number 1

Tapping the magnifying glass allows users to search for another product.

Number 2


Tapping the options menu allows users to perform the following functions. Available options are dependant on user access permissions.

Quantity Adjustment - Allows users to perform a stock adjustment for the selected product. Please refer to Quantity Adjustment for more information.

Add Barcode/Additional Product Code - Allows users to add a barcode or an additional product code for the selected product. Please refer to Add a Barcode or Additional Product Code for more information.

Change Bin Location - Allows users to change the bin location on the selected product. Please refer to Change Bin Location for more information.

Customer/Product Details - Allows users to view at a glance information relating to the selected product for a specific customer. Please refer to Customer/Product Details for more information.

Select Warehouse - Allows user to select a different warehouse. Please refer to Select Warehouse for more information.

Number 3

The top of the Inventory Enquiry screen displays general information relating to the selected product.

Product - Displays the BBS code for the selected product.

EzCode - Displays the EzCode for the selected product.

OEM Code - Displays the OEM code for the selected product.

WH - Displays the warehouse the search is being performed in.

Where a product is deemed as SLOW STOCK, DEAD STOCK or has been marked as DISCONTINUED, the notation will display here.

Description - Displays the description of the selected product.

Internal Description - Displays the internal description of the selected product.

Number 4

Product Details - Displays the Product Details tab for the selected product. Please refer to Product Details for more information.

Number 5

Balances and Activity - Displays the Balances and Activity tab for the selected product. Please refer to Balances and Activity for more information.  

Number 6

Balances in other Warehouses - Opens the Balances in other Warehouses tab for the selected product. Please refer to Balances in other Warehouses for more information.

Number 7

Sell Prices - Displays the Sell Prices tab for the selected product. Please refer to Sell Prices for more information.

Number 8

Cost Prices - Displays the Cost Prices tab for the selected product. Please refer to Cost Prices for more information.

Number 9

Suppliers - Displays the Suppliers tab for the selected product. Please refer to Suppliers for more information.

Number 10

Outstanding Sales Orders - Opens the Outstanding Sales Orders tab for the selected product. Please refer to Outstanding Sales Orders for more information.

Number 11

Outstanding Purchase Orders - Opens the Outstanding Purchase Orders tab for the selected product. Please refer to Outstanding Purchase Orders for more information.

Number 12

Invoice Line History - Opens the Invoice Line History tab for the selected product. Please refer to Invoice Line History for more information.

Number 13

Receipts History - Opens the Receipts History tab for the selected product. Please refer to Receipts History for more information.

tog_minus Product Details

tog_minus Balances and Activity

tog_minus Balances in other Warehouses

tog_minus Sell Prices

tog_minus Cost Prices

tog_minus Suppliers

tog_minus Outstanding Sales Orders

tog_minus Outstanding Purchase Orders

tog_minus Invoice Line History

tog_minus Receipts History


tog_plus Quantity Adjustment

tog_plus Add a Barcode or Additional Product Code

tog_plus Change Bin Location

tog_plus Select Warehouse


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