The Inventory Enquiry button on the main menu allows users to search for a product and then navigate to the inventory enquiry for the selected product. A search can be performed by entering a product code, OEM code, BBS code, EzCode or by scanning the products barcode, a search can also be performed by entering a keyword/s to search for. Users can then tap on the relevant product and navigate to the Inventory Enquiry screen for the selected product.
The Inventory Enquiry has multiple tabs, Product Details, Balances and Activity, Balances in other Warehouses, Sell Prices, Cost Prices, Suppliers, Outstanding Sales Orders and Outstanding Purchase Orders with each tab described below.
Prod Type - Displays the product type of the selected product. Prod Group - Displays the product group of the selected product. UOM - Displays the unit of measure of the selected product. |
On Hand - Displays the amount of stock on hand in the selected warehouse. Bin - Displays the bin location in the selected warehouse. On Cons'gt - Displays stock that has been invoiced but the invoice hasn't been updated as yet (ie on consignment) in the selected warehouse. In Stock - Displays the amount of stock On Hand less On Cons'gt in the selected warehouse. Committed - Displays the amount of stock allocated to sales orders and/or BOM build orders in the selected warehouse. Available - Displays the amount of stock In Stock less Committed in the selected warehouse. Backorder - Displays the amount of stock on backorder in the selected warehouse. On Order - Displays the quantity of the selected product on outstanding purchase order/s in the selected warehouse. Wkly Usg - Displays the weekly usage of the selected product. WoS Avail - Displays the weeks of stock available of the selected product. |
On Hand - Displays the amount of stock on hand in the warehouse displayed above. Bin - Displays the bin location in the warehouse displayed above. On Cons'gt - Displays stock that has been invoiced but the invoice hasn't been updated as yet (ie on consignment) in the warehouse displayed above. In Stock - Displays the amount of stock On Hand less On Cons'gt in the warehouse displayed above. Committed - Displays the amount of stock allocated to sales orders and/or BOM build orders in the warehouse displayed above. Available - Displays the amount of stock In Stock less Committed in the warehouse displayed above. Backorder - Displays the amount of stock on backorder in the warehouse displayed above. On Order - Displays the quantity of the selected product on outstanding purchase order/s in the warehouse displayed above. Wkly Usg - Displays the weekly usage of the selected product WoS Avail - Displays the weeks of stock available of the selected product. |
Price - Displays the different types of sell prices for the selected product. Ex Tax - Displays the price excluding GST for the different types of sell prices for the selected product. Inc Tax - Displays the price including GST for the different types of sell prices for the selected product. |
Future Cost - Tapping the Show button will display the future cost price for the selected product. Average Cost - Tapping the Show button will display the average cost price for the selected product. Last Cost - Tapping the Show button will display the last cost price for the selected product. Promo Cost - Tapping the Show button will display the promotional cost price for the selected product (if applicable). |
Code - Displays the supplier code/s for the selected product. Supplier - Displays the supplier name/s for the selected product. Tapping the supplier name will navigate users to the Vendor Enquiry screen for that supplier. Item Code - Displays the supplier item code/s for the selected product. |
Tapping the Outstanding Sales Orders tab will expand the tab and display any outstanding sales orders for the selected product. The sales order number is displayed. Ordered - Displays the date the sales order was created. The customer code and name is displayed. Tapping the customer name will navigate users to the Customer Enquiry screen for that customer. Pick Date - Displays the pick date of the sales order. Qty Alloc - Displays the quantity that has already been allocated to the sales order (if applicable). Qty B/O - Displays the quantity backordered on the sales order. Displays the Ship Type of the sales order. Status - Displays the status of the sales order. Tapping the PDF icon will allow users to view the sales order on the device. |
Tapping the Outstanding Purchase Orders tab will expand the tab and display any outstanding purchase orders for the selected product. The purchase order number is displayed. Ordered - Displays the date the purchase order was created. The supplier code and name is displayed. Tapping the supplier name will navigate users to the Vendor Enquiry screen for that supplier. Delivery Date - Displays the delivery date of the purchase order. Qty Alloc - Displays the quantity that has already been allocated to the sales order (if applicable). Qty OS - Displays the quantity outstanding on the purchase order. Tapping the PDF icon will allow users to view the purchase order on the device. |
Tapping the Invoice Line History tab will display a list of invoice line history for the selected product. Users can enter keyword/s to search for an invoice line. Keywords used need to be visible on the screen for the invoice/invoice line.
The invoice number is displayed. Customer - Displays the customer that the invoice relates to. Tapping the hyperlink will navigate users to the Customers screen. Del Code - Displays the customer's delivery code on the invoice. Invoice Date - Displays the date the invoice was created. Cust Order No - Displays the customer order number on the invoice. Sales Ref - Displays the sales reference on the invoice. Tapping the PDF icon will allow users to view the invoice PDF on the device.
The invoice lines are then listed. Desc - Displays the product description of the selected invoice line. Qty - Displays the quantity of the product purchased on the selected invoice line. Price - Displays the per unit price of the product purchased on the selected invoice line, both exclusive and inclusive of tax. Total - Displays the total value of the product purchased on the invoice line (excluding tax). |
Tapping the Receipts History tab will expand the tab and display the stock receipts history for the selected product. Users can enter keyword/s to search for a stock receipt. Keywords used need to be visible on the screen for the stock receipt.
The purchase order number is displayed where goods were receipted against a purchase order. Vendor - Displays the vendor that the stock receipt is for. Tapping the hyperlink will navigate users to the Suppliers screen. Invoice / Del Dkt - Displays the supplier invoice number or delivery docket number for the stock receipt. Invoice Date / Del Dkt Date - Displays the date of the suupplier's invoice or delivery docket. Purchase Order - Displays the purchase order number for the stock receipt (were applicable) Receipted By - Displays the storeperson that receipted the stock. Qty Receipted (Supplier) - Displays the quantity received in the supplier's unit of measure. Qty Receipted (Stock) - Displays the quantity received in the stock/sales unit of measure.
Tapping the PDF icon will allow users to view the purchase order PDF on the device. |