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The Customer/Product Details screen allows users to view at a glance information relating to a specific product for a specific customer.



Number 1

Search Customer - The customer code you want to view product details for. Tapping the magnifying glass icon will perform the search using the criteria in the search field. When selecting Customer/Product Details from Customer Enquiry this field will automatically populate with the customer code.

Number 2

Search Product - The product code you want to view customer details for. Tapping the magnifying glass icon will perform the search using the criteria in the search field. When selecting Customer/Product Details from Inventory Enquiry this field will automatically populate with the product code.

Number 3

Tapping the barcode icon will access the devices camera to allow users to scan a product's barcode to perform the search.


The Customer/Product Details screen has multiple tabs, Balances and Activity, Sell Prices, Cost Prices and Invoices for Customer/Product with each tab described below.


Number 1

Tapping the magnifying glass allows users to search for another product and/or customer. Please refer to Change Customer/Product Details for more information.

Number 2


Tapping the options menu allows users to perform the following functions.

Select Warehouse - Allows users to select a different warehouse. When a different warehouse has been selected, the customer/product details displayed will be for the selected warehouse.

Select Del Code - Allows users to select a different delivery code. When a different delivery code has been selected, the customer/product details displayed will be for the selected delivery code.

Number 3

The top of the Customer/Product Details screen displays general information relating to the selected product for the selected customer.

Customer - Displays the customer code and name for the selected customer.

Del Code - Displays the delivery code selected for the selected customer.

Product - Displays the BBS code for the selected product.

EzCode - Displays the EzCode for the selected product.

OEM Code - Displays the OEM code for the selected product.

WH - Displays the warehouse the search is being performed in.

Description - Displays the description of the selected product.

Internal Description - Displays the internal description of the selected product.

UOM - Displays the unit of measure of the selected product.

Alt UOM - Displays the alternate unit of measure of the selected product.

Min Sale Qty - Displays the minimum sale quantity/multiple for the selected product if applicable.

Number 4

Default Price - Displays the default price of the selected product for the selected customer.

Last Quoted - Displays the quantity, price and date the selected product was last entered on a quote for the selected customer.

Number 5

Balances and Activity - Displays the Balances and Activity tab for the selected product. Please refer to Balances and Activity for more information.  

Number 6

Sell Prices - Displays the Sell Prices tab for the selected product. Please refer to Sell Prices for more information.

Number 7

Cost Prices - Displays the Cost Prices tab for the selected product. Please refer to Cost Prices for more information.

Number 8

Invoices for Customer/Product - Opens the Invoices for Customer/Product tab for the selected customer and product. Please refer to Invoices for Customer/Product for more information.

tog_plus Change Customer/Product Details

tog_minus Balances and Activity

tog_minus Sell Prices

tog_minus Cost Prices

tog_minus Invoices for Customer/Product


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