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Main Menu > Purchase Ordering > Purchase Order Enquiry


The Purchase Order Enquiry program allows users to view existing purchase orders. To create, edit and delete Purchase Orders, please refer to Creating & Maintaining Purchase Orders for more information.


Purchase Order Enquiry Screen

Purchase Order Enquiry Screen


Number 1

Displays the purchase order number and the date the purchase order was created as well as the status of the order (Order, Order - Partially Complete, Order - Complete (Archived), vendor code, ETA/Due Date of the selected order and who raised the purchase order

Number 2

Navigates users to the Quick Attach File to Creditor Account screen to attach files to the purchase order. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to Creditor Account for more information.

Number 3

Displays the suppliers address and contact details, delivery address, contact details and ship via method, freight if applicable and GST component of the purchase order.

Number 4

D/D Sales Order - Displays the direct delivery sales order number if the selected purchase order is for Direct Delivery

Exclusive Buy-In - Displays the Exclusive Buy-In sales order number if the selected purchase order is for an Exclusive Buy-In

BOM Build Order  - Displays the Bill of Materials sales order if the selected purchase order is for a Bill of Materials Build Order

Number 5

Messages - Allows users to view a list of messages attached to the Purchase Order


Number 6

Receipts - Allows users to view a list of products that have already been receipted against the selected purchase order.


View Stock Receipt - Navigates users to the Stock Receipt Enquiry screen for the selected product

View Lots/Batches - Navigates users to the Lotted Items - Transaction Enquiry screen for the selected product if applicable

Number 7

Audit Trail - Allows users to view the Audit Trail for the selected purchase order

Number 8

Deliveries - Navigates users to Delivery Dockets, Manifests & PODs for the selected purchase order.

Number 9

O/S Import Detail - Allows users to view the overseas import detail including any Overseas Import Shipments attached to the purchase order.


Number 10

Displays a list of the product lines on the purchase order. When a product line is double clicked, a pop up box will display more detail of the product line. Please refer to Purchase Order Enquiry - Line Detail for more information.

Number 11

Print Order - Allows users to print the order. Users can choose to print only outstanding lines and either the internal copy or supplier copy.

Number 12

Notes & Attachments - Allows users to view any Notes & Attachments that may be attached to the Purchase Order. Please refer to Creditor Notes & Attachments for more information.

Number 13

Global Vendor Enquiry - Navigates users to the Global Vendor Enquiry screen

Number 14

Jump To (F8)

1. P/O Maintenance - Navigates users to Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance for the selected purchase order

2. P/O Pre-Receipt Checklist - Navigates users to the P/O Pre-Receipt Checklist report screen

3. Stock Receipting - Navigates users to the Stock Receipting screen

4. Copy to New Purchase Order - Allows users to create a copy of the purchase order to either the same supplier or another supplier. Please refer to Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance - New from Existing for more information.

5. Create RFC/Supplier Return - Navigates users to the Supplier Request for Credit Entry & Maintenance screen

tog_minus Purchase Order Enquiry - Line Detail


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