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This section of the Quick Reference Guide details how the Eway Payment Gateway integration works with BBS Accounting.


Eway integrated payments should be used to process ‘card not present’ credit and debit card payments for individual sales or customer account payments. Eway should not be used for ‘card present’ transactions in place of an EFTPOS machine that is used for payments at point of sale in a retail environment.


Some of the benefits of using Eway integrated payments in BBS for card not present transactions are:

1.Users will not need to access a physical EFTPOS terminal to manually enter amounts and card details to be able to process credit/debit card payments

2.Credit/Debit cards can be stored securely in Eway's system via Tokens (see below) to allow reoccurring payments without having to request the card details from the customer each time

3.Simple and reasonable transaction fee structure


There are five ways Eway can be utilised within BBS.

1.Manual MOTO payments - Customer card details can be entered for customer account payments (via the POS - Customer Payment/Refund screen) or for phone/fax/email orders where the customer provides credit card details (either via the Point of Sale screen, or via the Sales Order Entry/Maintenance screen by ticking the ‘Pre-Paid Order’ option.) When Eway is selected as the payment method, BBS will prompt for the entry of customer card details to process the payment. For more information, please refer to Processing Manual Eway MOTO Payments.

2.Manual Token Payments - Customer card details can be used to create an Eway payment token that is saved against the customer’s account in BBS via the Automatic Payments and Tokens tab in Customer Masterfile Maintenance, or directly via the Integrated Payment Token Maintenance screen. When processing an account payment via the POS - Customer Payment/Refund screen, or for phone/fax/email orders where the customer provides credit card details (either via the Point of Sale screen, or via the Sales Order Entry/Maintenance screen by ticking the ‘Pre-Paid Order’ option), users can select a saved Eway token for the customer to process the payment. For more information, please refer to Processing Manual Eway Token Payments.

3.Automatic Token Payments - Customer card details can be used to create an Eway payment token that is saved against the customer’s account in BBS via the Automatic Payments and Tokens tab in Customer Masterfile Maintenance, or directly via the Integrated Payment Token Maintenance screen. In the Automatic Payments and Tokens tab in Customer Masterfile Maintenance, customers or individual customer delivery addresses codes can then be set to take automatic payments either by individual invoice, a consolidated account payment, or a consolidated by delivery code payment as and when invoices fall due and a payment token can be selected to take the payments from. Automatic Debtor payments are processed via the new Process Automatic Debtor Payments screen. For more information, please refer to Processing Automatic Eway Token Payments.

4.Capturing payment from a WebX Web Order – currently only available for Office Brands members that use the WebX platform, when web orders are received that have been paid via Eway on the website, the details of the payment or pre-authorisation will be imported into BBS. When the web order is processed and converted to a sales order, the payment or pre-authorisation will automatically be assigned to the sales order (with options provided for where the order amount has been varied), and in the case of a pre-authorisation, the payment will be captured when the sales order is saved. For more information, please refer to Processing a WebX Web Order with an Integrated Eway Payment.

5.Capturing payment from a Double-T Web Order – currently only available for users that use the Double-T web platform, when web orders are received that customers have entered their credit/debit card details for payment of the order , the details of the customer's payment token will be imported into BBS. When the web order is processed and converted to a sales order, the customer token will be used to take payment and the payment will automatically be assigned to the sales order (with prompts provided for where the order amount has been varied). For more information, please refer to Processing a Double-T Web Order with an Integrated Eway Payment.



Currently, refunds are not supported as part of the integration and these should be performed directly in the MyEway portal.


Please refer to the topics in this section for details on configuring and utilising the Eway integration features in BBS Accounting.

Eway Integration Setup and Configuration

Creating and Updating Eway Payment Tokens

Processing Manual Eway MOTO Payments

Processing Manual Eway Token Payments

Processing Automatic Eway Token Payments

Processing a WebX Web Order with an Integrated Eway Payment

Processing a Double-T Web Order with an Integrated Eway Payment

POS Till Reconciliation for Eway Payments

Reconciling an Eway Settlement



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