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When receiving a web order via Double-T that has been set to be paid via Eway, BBS imports the customer payment token information for the web order from Eway and stores it in the system as an Integrated Payment linked to the Web order.




When accessing the Web Order from the Web Order Inbox, users will receive a message similar to the below:



When the web order is converted to a sales order, users will receive a message similar to the below.



If users needs to contact the customer before processing the payment, users can tick Place order on Hold in the Sales Order/Quote Entry & Maintenance Finalise Tab and the payment process will be skipped until the order is taken off hold.



When the sales order is saved, one of three things can happen.

tog_plus Order/Payment Value Equal

tog_plus Sales Order Value Greater than Payment

tog_plus Sales Order Value Less than Payment


If users attempts to edit or remove an Eway customer token payment from a payment transaction, they will be presented with the following message.



WARNING: Answering Yes to this message does not remove the customer token in the Eway portal – this should be done manually if required.


When users clicks Save on the Point of Sale – Receive Payment screen, the customer token will be used to take payment and the transaction will be saved and no further action is required.  



Users can select to send a payment receipt to the customer if they wish.



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