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Main Menu > Purchase Ordering > Purchase Order Management Dashboard



The Purchase Order Management Dashboard allows users to view the status of all outstanding purchase orders, filter for only specific orders based on their status, and update purchase order ETA's from suppliers.



When the screen is first opened, the recalc screen will appear to allow users to filter for the outstanding purchase orders they wish to view. Purchase orders can be filtered out based on their status, or certain purchase order lines can be filtered out based on their status.


NOTE: In the event an entire order is filtered out, or all line items on an order are filtered out, the purchase order will not appear in the screen at all.


P/O Management Dashboard - Recalc Screen

P/O Management Dashboard - Recalc Screen


Filtering by Vendor status

Number 1

Hide Local Vendors - Will hide purchase orders for Local Vendors

Hide Overseas Vendors - Will hide purchase orders for Overseas Vendors

Filtering by order line status

Number 2

Hide P/O Lines overdue - Will hide purchase order lines that have an overdue ETA

Hide P/O Lines due today - Will hide purchase order lines that have an ETA of today

Hide P/O Lines due in the future - Will hide purchase order lines that have an ETA of a future date

Filtering by expected allocations

Number 3

Hide P/O Lines destined for stock - Will hide all purchase order lines where the associated product is destined only for stock

Hide P/O Lines destined for backorders - Will hide all purchase order lines where the associated product is destined only for backorders


Purchase Order Management Dashboard Screen

Purchase Order Management Dashboard Screen


Number 1

W/H Code – Allows users to select a warehouse to work with or all warehouses

Number 2

Recalc (F3) – Allows users to edit the selected filter options and recalculate the screen based on the latest data available

Number 3

Last Calc – Displays the date, time and user of when the last recalc was performed

Number 4

P/O Type – Users can choose to filter purchase orders via P/O type, options are All, Standard P/O, Exclusive Buy-Ins and Direct Deliveries. Selecting a P/O Type filter will return results based on the selected filters in the Recalc screen and the P/O type chosen.

Number 5

Search – Searches the Vendors with Outstanding Purchase Orders list box for the entered word/s

Number 6

Vendors with Outstanding Purchase Orders - Displays a list of outstanding purchase orders based on the filters selected

Vendor - Displays the Vendor code and name

Purch Contact - Displays the Vendor contact name

Purch Phone - Displays the Vendor contacts phone number

O/S POs - Displays the number of outstanding purchase orders for the Vendor

O/s Lns - Displays the number of outstanding purchase order lines for the outstanding purchase orders for the Vendor

Number 7

Global Vendor Enquiry - Navigates users to the Global Vendor Enquiry for the selected Vendor

Number 8

Send Follow Up Email - Creates a new email via Outlook to send to the Supplier with a table of outstanding purchase orders and their current ETA dates, based on the selected filters and select P/O Type, with a column for the supplier to enter the new ETA dates. Please see example of email below Overdue Purchase Orders - Supplier Name.

Number 9

Search - Searches the Outstanding Purchase Order Lines list box for the entered word

Number 10

Show Hidden Lines - When ticked will show all lines on the selected vendor overriding the line based filters that have been selected

Number 11

Outstanding Purchase Order Lines - Displays a list of outstanding purchase order lines for the highlighted purchase order based on the filters selected

P/O Ln - Displays the purchase order line number

Product - Displays the product codes

Description - Displays the product description

Supp Item - Displays the Supplier item code

Ord - Displays the quantity ordered on the purchase order

Rec - Displays the quantity already receipted against the purchase order

O/S - Displays the quantity outstanding on the purchase order

P/UOM - Displays the products purchasing unit of measure

Status - Displays the status of the product

Current ETA - Displays the current ETA for the product that are On Order or Partially Received

S/O & Pick Date - Displays the sales order number and pick date of the sales order where stock on the selected purchase order line will be allocated to. 'Multiple' will be displayed if the stock is destined to be allocated to multiple sales orders

Number 12

Selected P/O Order Line - Displays details of the selected purchase order line

Number 13

S/O Enquiry - The list box displays the sales orders that are expected to have stock allocated to for the selected purchase order line on receipt. The S/O Enquiry button navigates users to the Sales Order Enquiry for the highlighted sales order. Double clicking on a sales order in the list box will also navigate users to the Sales Order Enquiry.

Number 14

Update P/O ETAs - Navigates users to the P/O Management Dashboard - Update ETAs screen where users can enter a comment and update the purchase order ETA. Multiple purchase order line ETAs can be updated at the same time by highlighting all of the relevant lines and clicking Update P/O ETAs. A comment can be entered which will be logged in the Purchase Order Audit Trail.

P/O Management Dashboard - Update ETAs screen

P/O Management Dashboard - Update ETAs screen

Number 15

Supplier Stock Levels (F8) - Navigates users to the supplier stock level screen if activated in your system

Number 16

Global Inventory Enquiry (F9) - Navigates users to the Global Inventory Enquiry of the highlighted product


The below email is an example of the standard template that will be created to follow up Suppliers on ETAs via the Purchase Order Management Dashboard. Users can amend the email on a case by case basis in Outlook prior to sending or the template can be customised. If you wish to have a customised template please contact with your requirements.



Example of Overdue Purchase Orders Email

Example of Overdue Purchase Orders Email


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