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Main Menu > Direct Marketing > Direct Marketing Campaigns


The Direct Marketing Campaigns program allows users to create and send marketing material direct to customers and suppliers email addresses from within BBS.


To create a new direct marketing campaign users click New Campaign and select the type of message they want to send. You will be given a new unique Campaign Code.




Number 1

Type A - Creates a plain text/HTML message marketing campaign with a PDF attachment if required via BBS.

Number 2

Type B - Creates a marketing campaign to be sent via Outlook. Please refer to Sending a Marketing Campaign via Outlook for more information.

Number 3

Type C - Creates a plain text/HTML message marketing campaign with a reference to images on the internet or embedded images via BBS.

tog_minus General Information

tog_minus Message Body Options

tog_minus Attachment Options

tog_minus Recipients

tog_minus Send Test Campaign/Send Campaign


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