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The Customer/Product Information screen allows users to view at a glance information relating to a specific product for the selected customer.


Customer Product Information Screen

Customer Product Information Screen


Number 1

Customer - Displays the selected customer code and name

Delivery Code - The delivery code, clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select from a list of delivery codes for the selected customer.

Product - The product code or click magnifying glass to search.

W/H - The warehouse code, clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select another warehouse.

UOM - Displays the stocked unit of measure of the selected product.

Alt UOM - Displays the alternate unit of measure of the selected product for the default supplier.

Min Sale Qty - Displays the minimum sale quantity/multiple for the selected product if applicable.

Number 2

Global Customer Enquiry - Navigates users to Global Customer Enquiry for the selected customer.

Number 3

Product Enquiry - Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected product.

Number 4

Product Details:

Manf Part - Displays the manufacturers part number of the selected product.

EzCode - Displays the EzCode for the selected product if applicable.

Cat Page - Displays the catalogue page number for the selected product if applicable

Web Code - Displays the Web Code for the selected product if applicable

Supplier - Displays the default supplier for the selected product.

Supp Tel - Displays the default suppliers phone number.

Supp Item - Displays the default suppliers item code.

Number 5

Stock Levels:

On Hand - Displays the quantity of stock on hand

On Cons'gt - Displays stock that has been invoiced but the invoice hasn't been updated as yet (ie on consignment)

In Stock - Displays the quantity of stock On Hand less On Cons'gt

Committed - Displays the quantity of stock allocated to sales orders and/or BOM build orders

Available - Displays the quantity of stock In Stock less Committed

On B'order - Displays the quantity of stock on backorder

Total Stock - Displays the quantity of stock Available less On B'order

On Order - Displays the quantity of the selected product on outstanding purchase order/s

F'cast - Displays the amount of Total Stock plus On Order

Supplier Stock Levels - Navigates users to the Supplier Stock Levels screen for the selected product (if set up in your system).

Number 6

Customer/Product Pricing: Displays a list of pricing of the selected product for the selected customer

Default Price - Displays the default price of the selected product for the selected customer.

Last Quoted - Displays the quantity, price and date the selected product was last entered on a quote for the selected customer.

Number 7

Invoices for this Product/Customer - Displays a list of invoices including date, quantity and price paid where the selected customer has purchased the selected product.

Number 8

Invoice Enquiry - Navigates users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected line.

Number 9

More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.


Keyboard Navigation

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