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Main Menu > Contact Relationship Manager



The Suppliers (F7) tab of the Contact Relationship Manager is where everything crucial to developing, improving, and retaining your supplier relationships are stored.


Contact Relationship Manager Suppliers Tab Screen

Contact Relationship Manager Suppliers Tab Screen


Number 1

Supplier - The suppliers code. Clicking F3 will select the Supp Code field allowing users to enter a different supplier code.

Name/Address - Displays the name and address of the selected supplier.

Number 2

Clicking the map icon will navigate users to the address on Google Maps.

Number 3

Navigates users to the CRM - Quick Attach Files screen to attach files to the supplier. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to CRM for more information.

Number 4

Sales Contact - Displays the sales contact for the selected supplier set up in Vendor Masterfile Maintenance.

Sales Phone - Displays the sales phone number for the selected supplier set up in Vendor Masterfile Maintenance.

Purch Email - Displays the purchasing email address for the selected supplier set up in Vendor Masterfile Maintenance.

Website - Displays the website address for the selected supplier set up in Vendor Masterfile Maintenance.

Number 5

Clicking the email button allows users to send a new blank email or a new email from a CRM template via Outlook to the email address displayed. Please refer to Sending an email via the email button in the CRM for more information.

Clicking the Goto button will navigate users to the website address displayed.

Number 6

Global Vendor Enquiry (F5) – Navigates users to the Global Vendor Enquiry for the selected supplier.

Number 7

Notes/Attachments/Tasks (F9) - Navigates users to CRM - Supplier Notes/Attachments/Task screen. Please refer to Notes/Attachments/Tasks for more information.

Number 8

Jump To (F8) - (The options available in the Jump To button will be determined by userss access).

1. Enter Purchase Order/Quote - Navigates users to Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance to enter a new Purchase Order/Quote.

2. Enter D/D Purchase Order/Quote - Navigates users to Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance to enter a new Direct Delivery Purchase Order/Quote.

3. Enter Creditors Invoice - Navigates users to Creditors Invoice Entry to enter a new Creditors Invoice.

4. Vendor Maintenance - Navigates users to Vendor Masterfile Maintenance to edit the vendor.

5. Stock Receipting - Navigates users to Stock Receipting to enter a new Stock Receipt.

6. Enter RFC/Supplier Return - Navigates users to Supplier Request for Credit Entry & Maintenance to enter a new RFC.

Number 9

Supplier Overview - Displays a list of relevant data that may be of interest to users. Double clicking on an item will navigate users to more detail on the item (eg double clicking Outstanding Orders will navigate users directly to the Outstanding Purchase Orders tab of the Global Vendor Enquiry.

Number 10

Company/Contacts - Displays a list of contacts for the selected supplier. Double clicking a contact allows users to view the selected contact's information.




Clicking the email button will allow users to send an email to the selected contact. Please refer to Sending an email via the email button in the CRM for more information.

Clicking the Notes/Attachments/Tasks (F9) button navigates users to CRM - Supplier Notes/Attachments/Task screen. Please refer to Notes/Attachments/Tasks for more information.

Clicking the Contact Maintenance button navigates users to CRM - Contact Entry/Maintenance screen. Please refer to Contact Details Maintenance for more information.

Clicking the Export Contact to Outlook button will open an Outlook Contact window with all of the selected contact's details in BBS pre-filled.  

Number 11

Edit - Allows users to edit the details of the selected contact for the selected supplier. Please refer to Contact Details Maintenance for more information.

Number 12

Custom Fields – Displays the date a custom field was last updated.

Number 13

Displays the CRM custom fields that have been setup in your system for suppliers and the selected supplier's data. Double clicking a line allows users to edit the supplier's data. Please refer to CRM Custom Field Data Maintenance for more information.


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