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More product specific settings are found in the More Information tab such as General Ledger account overrides, Loyalty Claim settings and Office Brands product data update settings (where applicable).


Product Masterfile Maintenance More Information Tab Screen

Product Masterfile Maintenance More Information Tab Screen


Number 1

General Ledger Interface:

Sales Control Account - The general ledger account to override system defaults to. (If there is no override control account entered the standard system general ledger account will apply (Recommended))

COGS Control Account - The general ledger account to override system defaults to. (If there is no override control account entered the standard system general ledger account will apply (Recommended))

Stock Control Account - The general ledger account to override system defaults to. (If there is no override control account entered the standard system general ledger account will apply (Recommended))

Number 2

Loyalty Claim Settings:

Available as a Loyalty Claim -

Yes - The product is available as a loyalty claim

No - The product is NOT available as a loyalty claim

Inactive - The product is no longer available as a loyalty claim

Points Value - The number of points required to claim the selected product as a loyalty claim

Override Description - The description that will be used when the selected product is sold as a loyalty claim if different to the product description.

Please refer to Customer Loyalty Program for more information.

Number 3

Loyalty Promo Points:

Promotional Points % - The percentage based on dollar value sold. i.e. Product sells for $10.00 and has loyalty promo points of 200%, the customer will earn 20 promo points.

Promotional Points 'Lump' - The quantity of promo points given as a lump sum when a customer purchases the product. 'Lump' promo points will be given to a customer the first time they purchase the product and will only be given once within the promotional period.

Promo Points Start Date - The start date of the promotional points campaign.

Promo Points Exp Date - The end date the promotional points campaign.

Please refer to Customer Loyalty Program for more information.

Number 4

Additional Product Codes - Users can enter additional product codes to assist when searching for the selected product. One additional product code should be entered per line.


Number 5

Office Brands Product Data Update Settings:

Do Not Update Catalogue Price - When ticked the Catalogue Price will no longer update to reflect Office Brands pricing when the O/B Product Data Imports occur.

Do Not Update Gov't Price- When ticked the Government Price will no longer update to reflect Office Brands pricing when the O/B Product Data Imports occur.

Do Not Update Future Cost - When ticked the Office Brands Supplier future cost will no longer update to reflect Office Brands pricing when the O/B Product Data Imports occur.

Do Not Update Supplier Item Code - When ticked the Office Brands Supplier item code will no longer update to reflect Office Brands data when the O/B Product Data Imports occur.

Do Not Update Volume Pricing - When ticked the volume pricing will no longer update to reflect Office Brands pricing when the O/B Product Data Imports occur.

Override O/B UOM - The unit of measure that Office Brands sell the selected product in if it differs to your selling unit of measure.



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