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The Alerts Tab of Vendor Masterfile Maintenance contains purchasing and accounts alerts that have been set for the vendor. The alerts will pop up when users accesses the vendors relevant purchasing or accounts screens. To create, edit or remove an alert or to see an example of an alert pop up refer to Create, Amend or Delete an Alert.


Alerts Tab Screen

Alerts Tab Screen


Number 1

Alert Type

Purchasing Alerts - Select to create an alert which will pop up on all relevant purchasing entry screens (eg. when entering a Purchase Order in Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance).

Accounts Alerts - Select to create an alert which will pop up on all relevant accounts entry screens (eg. when selecting invoices for payment).

Number 2

Alert Text – The text that will display when the alert appears.

Number 3

Date Options

Start Date - The date the alert is to start.

Expires - The date the alert is to expire if it has an expiry date.

Never Expire - If ticked the alert will not expire.

Number 4

Colour – The alert text colour can be selected.

Number 5

Add - Saves the alert

Clear - Deletes the selected alert

Number 6

Hide Expired Alerts – If this box is ticked expired alerts will not show on the screen.

Number 7

Existing Alerts - Details for existing alerts for the selected alert type will show in this screen.

tog_minus Create, Amend or Delete an Alert


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