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Users can create customer user logins for Double-T online via the Jump To (F8) button in Global Customer Enquiry or CRM.


NOTE: This feature can be used to register a new customer on a Double-T website and create a user login, or to create additional logins for an existing customer.


When all details have been entered, clicking the Create User Login button will create the customer login on your Double-T website using the credentials entered.

Double-T Customer/Login Upload Screen

Double-T Customer/Login Upload Screen



Number 1

Customer - Displays the BBS customer code and name.

Number 2

Customer Name - The customer's name.

Customer Billing Address - The customer's billing address.

Number 3

Phone - The customer's phone number.

User Email - The customer's email address.

Fax - The customer's fax number.

Mobile - The customer's mobile phone number.

Number 4

First Name - userss first name.

Surname - userss surname.

Number 5

Web Login - The web login being created.

Password - The web login password.

Number 6

Del Code - userss delivery code. Leave blank to be the same as the organisation address or click magnifying glass to search.

Number 7

Customer Admin (Authoriser) - When ticked, the customer/user login being created will be an authoriser and can approve orders for other users in the same authorisation group.

Authorisation Group - The authorisation group. Must be the same for all users in the same authorisation group. Sub-users in this authorisation group will need a Customer Admin (Authoriser) from the same Authorisation Group to approve their orders.

Authoriser Emails - The Customer Admin (Authoriser) email address.

Number 8

Create User Login - Creates and registers the customer and the web login online.



Where your company has a show/hide list for all customers, users will receive the below notification.



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