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Users can register customers for WebX online via the Jump To (F8) button in Global Customer Enquiry or CRM.


NOTE: This feature can only be used to register a new Organisation on WebX with a user login. To add additional web logins to an existing organisation, please consult Office Brands.


When all details have been entered, clicking the Create Customer & Login button will create the customer login on WebX using the credentials entered.

Office Brands Customer/Login Upload Screen

Office Brands Customer/Login Upload Screen


Number 1

Customer - Displays the BBS customer code and name.

Number 2

Org Name - The organisation's name.

Org Address - The organisation's address.

Number 3

Org Phone - The organisation's phone number.

Org Email - The organisation's email address.

Number 4

First Name - userss first name.

Surname - userss surname.

Number 5

Web Login - The web login being created.

Password - The web login password.

Number 6

Del Code - userss delivery code. Leave blank to be the same as the organisation address or click magnifying glass to search.

Number 7

User Phone - userss phone number.

User Email - userss email address.

Number 8

Create Customer & Login - Creates and registers the customer and the web login online.



Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

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Page Header: ALT+h
Topic Header: ALT+t
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Exit Menu/Up: ESC