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The Quick Stocktake button on the main menu allows users to initiate a stocktake of a certain selection of products.  Please refer to Quick Stocktake Procedure for more information about how to use this feature.


There are three types of quick stocktakes that can be initiated:

Manual - all products are scanned/searched for and added into the stocktake

Bin Location - a single bin location

Product group - a single product group)


A maximum of 200 products can be selected when initiating a quick stocktake by bin location or product group.


qs product group stocktake type

Number 1

qs stocktake type

Tapping the drop down arrow allows users to select the type of stocktake they wish to initiate.

Stocktake Type :

Manual - All products are scanned/searched for and added into the stocktake.

Bin Location - Only products in a specified bin location are selected and added into the stocktake. (A maximum of 200 products can be selected).

Product Group - Only products in a specified product group are selected and added into the stocktake. (A maximum of 200 products can be selected).

Number 2

qs warehouse

Warehouse - Tapping the drop down arrow allows users to select a different warehouse for the quick stocktake.

Number 3

Bin/Product Group - When initiating a Bin Location or Product Group quick stocktake, users can enter the bin location or select the product group by tapping the drop down arrow. Not relevant for a manual quick stocktake.

Number 4

Product Filter: (Only available for Bin Location or Product Group stocktake types)

In Stock Products Only - Only products with an in stock quantity will be selected for the stocktake.

Core Products Only - Only products marked as a core product will be selected for the stocktake.

In Stock & Core Products Only - Only products with an in stock quantity and/or marked as a core product will be selected for the stocktake.

All Products - All products will be selected for the stocktake for the selected Bin Location or Product Group.

Number 5

Override Bin Location - When ticked, users will be able to enter a new bin location to override the existing bin location on all items that are counted in the stocktake.

Number 6

Exclude Products with Committed Stock - When ticked, all products with committed stock will be excluded from the stocktake. Not relevant for a manual quick stocktake.

Number 7

Start Stocktake - Initiates the quick stocktake using the selected parameters.


qs stocktake type binproduct

Number 1

Tapping the Rubbish Bin icon will delete the quick stocktake.

qs delete stocktake

Number 2

Tapping the Tick icon will update the quick stocktake. Please refer to Verifying and Updating a Quick Stocktake for more information.

Number 3

Stocktake Parameters - Tapping the drop down arrow will display the parameters of the stocktake.

Number 4

Users can enter product code/s or keyword/s to search for a specific product that has already been selected in the stocktake. Both Not Counted and Counted items will be searched.

Number 5

Product - The product code. Tapping the hyperlink will navigate users to Inventory Enquiry for the selected product.

EzCode - The product's EzCode if applicable.

OEMCode - The product's OEM code.

Bin - The product's current bin location.

UOM - The product's unit of measure.

Alt UOM - The product's alternate unit of measure.

In Stock - Displays the amount of stock On Hand less On Cons'gt in the selected warehouse. (Note: Stock committed to sales orders that has not yet been invoiced (eg not yet picked, or part picked and not invoiced) MUST BE COUNTED in the stocktake).

Number 6

Tapping the X on a product in the Not Counted section will remove the product from the stocktake.

Tapping the X on a product in the Counted section will remove the count from the product and place it back in the Not Counted section.

Number 7

Tapping the image icon allows users to view the image of the selected product.

Number 8

Enter Count - Tapping Enter Count will bring up the below screen allowing users to enter a count for the selected product.

***Committed Stock*** - This notation is to notify users that the selected product is on sales orders and therefore some may have been picked from the shelf for sales orders.



Tapping the calculator icon will bring up the in-built calculator or quantity entry field (depending on the selected product's unit of measure). Please refer to Calculators fro more information.

Number 9

Users can enter product code/s or keyword/s to search all products to add to the stocktake. Tapping in this field also allows users to scan a barcode using an external barcode scanner.

When a single product is returned from the search it will automatically open the count screen, where multiple products are returned, users will need to select the relevant product from the list to enter the count.

The below screen will be displayed when searching for a product that is not included in the stocktake. (Only relevant when a Bin Location or Product Group stocktake has been initiated).


Number 10

Tapping the barcode icon will access the devices camera allowing users to scan products to add to the stocktake.

Number 11

Tapping the double up arrow icon will navigate users back to the product search screen for the previous product search. Where users have not searched for a product since the stocktake was created tapping this icon will produce a blank screen.


Please refer to Quick Stocktake Procedure for more information.


Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

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