The volume pricing tab records discounted prices for the product when larger quantities are purchased in a single transaction. When a quantity is purchased that has a volume price recorded the customer will automatically get the price that has been entered for the higher quantity. If a discount is entered rather than a fixed price as shown below, the discount will be taken off the Price Type and if the product price changes, the discounted price will automatically be recalculated.
Product Masterfile Maintenance Volume Pricing Tab Screen
Price Type – The price that the volume discount prices apply to. Volume discounts can be applied to one or more of the price types. Standard Price Type options are as follows; •Standard Sell Price •Catalogue Price •Government Price •Lvl 1-6: Special Pricing Levels 1 - 6 Base Price – Displays the current sell price for purchasing 'one' of the selected product for the Price Type selected. |
Qty Break – The quantity that the customer is required to purchase in a single transaction for the discounted rate to apply. Price – The discounted fixed price for an individual item when the customer has purchased the amount required to gain the discounted pricing. Disc % – A discount percentage can be given instead of a fixed price. The discount will be calculated from the Price Type selected, therefore if the Price Type amount for the product increases the sell price for the discounted quantity will automatically increase. |
Displays a list of volume pricing for the selected product. |