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The General Information tab contains the basic information of the product.



Product Masterfile Maintenance General Information Tab Screen

Product Masterfile Maintenance General Information Tab Screen


Number 1

Basic Details:

Desc - The description of the product that will show on sales orders, invoices etc.

Int Desc - An internal description of the product (ie. more details about the product that are only visible internally)

Stock UOM - The unit of measure that the product is stocked and sold in eg. EACH, PACK etc.

Tax Code  - The default tax code will automatically populate, if the the product requires a different tax code (ie. it is imported from overseas) the tax code can be changed by clicking the magnifying glass and selecting the required tax code. Please refer to Tax Codes Explained for more information.

Prod Group - The product group the product belongs to. Please refer to Product Group Maintenance for more information.

Alpha Code  - An Alpha Code can be added as another reference to find the product when performing product searches.

Allow Description to Change on Orders - When ticked it will allow users to change the description when creating a sales order or sales invoice.

Discontinued/Obsolete Product - When ticked the product will be marked as Discontinued/Obsolete and will no longer appear in product searches.

Number 2

Product/Item Specifics:

Manufacturer - The name of the manufacturer of the product

Manf Part No - The manufacturers part number. (The manufacturers part number can be used in search lookups as well as eliminating the risk of duplicate product codes when users try to create a new product code using an existing manufacturers part number).  

Blurb - The blurb field contains further information relating to the product or to help users identify it. (When a product with a blurb is added to a sales order users will be able to load the blurb onto the order for the Customer to view if required). Please refer to Sales Order Entry/Maintenance for more information.

Product Type - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select from the following product types.

Stockable - The product is seen as a stock item.

Lotted Item - Lotted items are items or batches of items that require additional information to be stored such as a serial number or expiry date. When Lotted Item is selected an additional screen will appear when the item or batch is receipted to record the additional information.  When a lotted item product is adjusted/sold/transferred/built etc, a list of items will appear for users to select the correct item that is being adjusted/sold/transferred/built etc. Please refer to Lotted Item Enquiry and/or Lot/Batch Maintenance for more information. (Not available in BBSCloud Lite).

Non-Diminishing - The product is seen as a non-diminishing or non-stock item, this is generally used where the product is not a tangible item ie. a service or fee that is to be charged but cannot be recorded in the stock system.

Bundle (Splittable) - Bundles are a set of products that are sourced from one or more suppliers, stocked and picked separately, and can be either sold individually or together. Splittable Bundles allow partial invoicing of bundles as components come into stock, even if that means that complete bundles will not be invoiced (doing so will split the bundle into the individual components and remove the bundle header from the sale). The bundle header and total bundle price, as well as all individual components and prices of the components display on all documents. (Not available in BBSCloud Lite).

Bundle (Consolidated) - Bundles are a set of products that are sourced from one or more suppliers, stocked and picked separately, and can be either sold individually or together. Consolidated bundles do not allow for partial invoicing of bundle components, ie only complete bundles can be invoiced. The bundle header and total bundle price show on all external documents, no component breakdown is displayed (eg quotes, order confirmations, pro-forma invoices, delivery dockets, tax invoices etc). The Bundle header and components, or just the components, show on internal documents (sales orders, picking slips etc). (Not available in BBSCloud Lite).

Variant Parent - The product is seen as a variant parent product. (Not available in BBSCloud Lite).

Cost Only Product - The product is a cost only product used to record miscellaneous costs against sales. Cost Only Products are not visible on customer documents (eg invoices, quotes etc)

Track Equipment in Service & Maint Module - When ticked the product will require a serial number to be recorded when the item is sold - a screen will appear when the sale is being created for the information to be entered, the product will also be linked to the Service and Maintenance module for tracking and servicing if required. (Not available in BBSCloud Lite).

Number 3

Catalogue Details:

EzCode - All Office Brands products have a unique EzCode number. If the EzCode is entered it will create a direct link from the BBS product to the Office Brands product which is used to enable BBS to integrate Office Brands cost and retail pricing into BBS.

Web Code - The web code is the internet reference of the product used on your website.

Page Ref - Each product will have a catalogue page reference for help with searching and ordering.

Office Brands products have two pricing levels, the Catalogue Price and the Government Price. BBS will use either of the prices when customer invoices are created if the customer has been set up to receive the Catalogue Price or the Government Price.

Enviro - When ticked the product will be marked as an Enviro product.

Number 4

Parent/Substitute Products:

Parent/Child entries are for situations where a product is sold in several units of measure (eg. sold as a pack of 10 as well as sold individually). These products will have separate product codes and can be linked to each other using the parent child entry which then enables the system to calculate the correct average cost and quantity when a Product to Product Transfer is created.

Parent Product - The product code for the parent product (ie. the same product but sold in a larger unit of measure). The product currently being created/maintained would then become the child product.

Parent U/M -  The unit of measure that the Parent Product code is stocked/sold in.

Parent-Child CVF - The conversion factor of the parent product to the child product. i.e. If the Parent Product is sold as a pack of 10 and the Child Product is sold individually then the Parent-Child CVF would be 10.

Substitute Product - The product code of a similar product available for substitution for the selected product code. Please refer to Substitute Products for more information.


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