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Main Menu > Inventory Control > Office Brands > Office Brands Product Data Import


The Office Brands Product Data Import program facilitates the matching, reporting and updating of the Office Brands Product Data to your BBS Accounting product masterfiles. Users can produce up to 16 different reports to review all the possible problems, and all the changes that will be uploaded prior to updating their system.


Office Brands Product Data Import Screen

Office Brands Product Data Import Screen


Number 1

Catalogue - The catalogue to import data from. Will default to ACTIVECAT which contains all active Office Brands products.

Number 2

Run Scan - Will start the comparison process between the Office Brands Product Data and your BBS product masterfiles.

Number 3

Run Reports - users can then select to run any reports they wish to review prior to updating the data. If a report fails to find any data to display, the report will not be produced.

All Exception Reports - This option runs the next eight reports in sequence, to save users having to run them one-by-one. It is recommended that all the exceptions reports are reviewed prior to updating the product data.

Data Integrity Exceptions - This report displays products in the Office Brands Product Data that fail to pass a hard coded set of rules. If the BBS Code column is blank, the product was not found in your system and thus, the incorrect data will not affect you, unless this product code is later created in your system from the Office Brands Product Data. The validation rules in this report are:  

i.Cost Price > List Price

ii.Cost Price > Gov’t Price

iii.Gov’t Price > List Price

iv.Gov’t Price < 10% G/P (there are some exceptions to this rule that should be ignored when reviewing this report, eg. some paper products)

NB: The cost price is obtained from OneX by dividing the CostByBuyUnit field by the RQ field. If a cost price is showing much higher than a Gov’t or List price, the RQ may be incorrect.

Matching Exceptions - Products are matched by EzCode during the product data update process. If that fails, BBS then tries to find a match based on the OEM Code (Manf Part No) and failing that, it tries again using the OEM Code with all non-alphanumeric characters stripped out.

The Matching Exceptions report shows any Office Brands products that were matched to product code in your product masterfile using the OEM Code (Manf Part No). When a product has been matched by OEM Code, after the Update is performed the EzCode will be inserted into BBS, and it will not be reported as a matching exception in the future.  

Each match by OEM Code should be reviewed carefully to ensure that the match is correct. Both the Office Brands description and the BBS description are provided to ensure users to identify incorrect matches. Incorrect matches may occur where different products share the same OEM code. A column called ‘Match %’ is shown which displays the percentage of the words in the O/B description that are found in the BBS description. A low match % may indicate an incorrectly matched product.

There are two ways to rectify an incorrect match:  

i.Locate the correct EzCode for the BBS product via the data portal and insert that into the EzCode field in your BBS product masterfile.

or where the EzCode cannot be found

ii.Enter the EzCode of '4' +BBS Code (eg. 4266012 where 260012 is the BBS Code) into the EzCode field in your BBS product masterfile to stop it from matching.

Product Details to be Removed - This report displays all products that have either a List Price (aka Cat Price), a Gov’t Price, Bulk Pricing or a Cat Page No in your product masterfiles, but are no longer found in the Office Brands Product Data set you are uploading. Any product flagged as an ‘Office Brands Store Product’ in BBS will be ignored on this report.  

Once updated, the Cat Page No, List (Cat) Price, Gov’t Price and Bulk Pricing will be removed from BBS. If a product is set to ‘do not update’ a specific price, then that price will not be removed. Cost prices and supplier details will NOT be altered or removed.

Use this report to identify products that may have been discontinued and a current contract price exists in BBS. These products may need to be re-uploaded as store products and the contract prices re-linked to the store product.

Price Changes over 40% - Displays any price changes greater than 40% (increases and decreases). This report is used to identify any potential unit of measure problems where you stock & sell a product in a different UOM than Office Brands specify, or BBS has calculated an error that you do. An understanding is required regarding how BBS calculates differences in product units of measure to determine the best way to rectify each problem.

Bulk Price Changes over 40% - Displays any bulk price changes greater than 40% (increases and decreases). This report is used to identify any potential unit of measure problems where you stock & sell a product in a different UOM than Office Brands specify, or BBS has calculated an error that you do. An understanding is required regarding how BBS calculates differences in product units of measure to determine the best way to rectify each problem.

Cost Changes over 40% - Displays any cost changes greater than 40% (increases and decreases). This report is used to identify any potential unit of measure problems where you stock & sell a product in a different UOM than Office Brands specify, or BBS has calculated an error that you do. An understanding is required regarding how BBS calculates differences in product units of measure to determine the best way to rectify each problem. Please refer to Unit of Measure Hierarchy for more information.

Contract Price G/P Changes - This report shows all products where the cost price will be updated and current contract prices exist. This report will allow users to decide if a contract price may need to be reviewed due to a cost change. The G/P% before and after the change is displayed, as well as the number of G/P percentage points that will be lost or gained. Users can filter this report to only see the negative G/P changes if desired.

Please note: This report has been superseded by the system wide Contract Prices Affected by Cost Changes report.

Suppliers Not Found - This report shows any products in the Office Brands Product Data where the supplier could not be found in your system. This is usually for one of the following reasons.

1.The Office Brands supplier abbreviation has not been entered into the ‘H/O Supp Code’ field in Vendor Masterfile Maintenance.

2.The supplier does not exist in your system.

3.You have deliberately not linked the supplier because you do not want the costs to automatically update.

Price Changes Excluded - This report shows any products where a List (Cat) or Gov’t Price would have been updated, but the product has been flagged to not update the associated price via the tick box options in Product Masterfile Maintenance. These reports should be reviewed periodically to ensure that the product should still be excluded from updates.

Bulk Price Changes Excluded - This report shows any products where a Bulk Price would have been updated, but the product has been flagged to not update the associated price via the tick box options in Product Masterfile Maintenance. These reports should be reviewed periodically to ensure that the product should still be excluded from updates.

Cost Changes Excluded - This report shows any products where a Cost Price would have been updated, but the product has been flagged to not update the associated price via the tick box options in Product Masterfile Maintenance. These reports should be reviewed periodically to ensure that the product should still be excluded from updates.

All Product Matches - This report shows all the Office Brand products that have been matched to BBS product codes, including the conversion factor that has been calculated.

Product Detail Changes - This report shows all the product data information fields that will be updated by the import. This may include the EzCode, Web Code, Cat Page No, APN (barcode), Blurb, Image File, Supplier Item Code and the Supplier’s minimum order quantity.

All Price Changes - This report shows all the List (Cat), Gov’t, Bulk and Cost prices that will be updated by the import.

All Bulk Price Changes - This report shows all the Bulk prices that will be updated by the import.

All Cost Changes - This report shows all the Cost prices that will be updated by the import.

Number 4

Update Products Now - Click to perform the data update. users will then be presented with two update types.

Full Update – users should select Full Update if the Catalogue they have selected contains ALL product data (ie. ACTIVECAT).

Partial Update – users should select Partial Update if the Catalogue they have selected only contains a partial data set.

Number 5

Export Data - Exports the Office Brands Product Data to Excel.

Number 6

Displays a summary of product data changes.


Please refer to Performing an Office Brands Product Data Import for more information.


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