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Main Menu > NCN/CAR/Return Goods > NCN/CAR Goods Receipt



The NCN/CAR Goods Receipt program allows users to receipt in goods returned by customers on an NCN/CAR where the Goods Return/Pick-Up type was selected.


NCN/CAR Return Goods Receipts Screen

NCN/CAR Return Goods Receipts Screen

Number 1

CAR Details:

CAR No - The CAR number where the goods are being returned.

Line - The line number of the goods being returned.

Product - Displays the product code and product description of the selected line being returned.

Cust - Displays the Customers name.

Orig - Displays the name of users who created the CAR.

CAR Date - Displays the date the CAR was created.

W/H - Displays the warehouse code the goods are being returned into.

Number 2

Navigates users to the Quick Attach File to Debtors Account screen to attach files to the NCN/CAR. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to Debtor Account for more information.

Number 3

Goods Returned Details:

Qty Returned - The quantity being returned for the selected line.

UOM - Displays the selected products unit of measure.

Cost per UOM - Displays the cost per unit of measure for the selected product.

Value - Displays the value of the selected product being returned (Qty Returned x Cost per UOM).

Quarantine Goods - When ticked goods being returned will be quarantined into the selected warehouse.

Qty Req'd - Displays the quantity required to be returned as per the CAR for the selected line.

Qty Returned - Displays the quantity that has already been returned for the selected line.

Qty O/S - Displays the quantity outstanding to be returned.

Add Line (F7) - Adds the selected line.

Clear Line - Clears the selected line.

Number 4

Displays a list of products that have been selected as being returned.

Number 5

Save & Update - Saves and Updates the selected lines as returned.

Clear Entries - Discards all entries that have been added.

Exit (F4) - Exits the screen and discards any changes made.


When Save & Update is selected, users will be asked to confirm they want to update the batch of goods returns.




If all goods on the CAR have been returned users will be asked if they want to complete the CAR now and process invoices/credits.




Users will then be notified of the invoice/credit note numbers and that the CAR has been completed.




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