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Main Menu > Payroll > Leave Adjustment Entry


The Leave Adjustment Entry program allows users with access to enter adjustments against leave types. This can be useful for when an employee changes their employment status or when an employee has been set up incorrectly.


Leave Adjustment Entry Screen

Leave Adjustment Entry Screen


Number 1

Employee - The employee code or click magnifying glass to search.

Number 2

Leave Type - The leave type or click magnifying glass to search.

Leave Accrual Rate - Displays the leave accrual rate for the selected employee and the selected leave type.

Number 3

Before Adjustment:

Opening Balance - Displays the opening balance of accrued leave for the selected leave type for the current payroll year.

Hours Taken - Displays the leave hours taken during the current payroll year, of the selected leave type.

Hours Accrued - Displays the leave hours accrued during the current payroll year, for the selected leave type.

Adjustments - Displays any leave adjustments made during the current payroll year, of the selected leave type.

Estimated Pro-Rata - Displays the estimated pro-rata of leave for the selected leave type calculated from the last accrual date up until the current processing date.

Leave Hrs Available - Displays the number of hours of leave available for the selected leave type.

Weeks Avail - Displays the number of weeks of leave available for the selected leave type, calculated using standard hours (as set up for the selected employee in Employee Masterfile Maintenance) and leave hours available.

Number 4

After Adjustment:

Adjustment (Hrs) - The number of hours being adjusted. To increase the leave hours available enter the number as a positive, to decrease the leave hours available enter the number as a negative.

Leave Hrs Available - Displays the number of hours of leave available after the adjustment.

Weeks Avail - Displays the number of weeks of leave available after the adjustment, calculated using standard hours (as set up for the selected employee in Employee Masterfile Maintenance) and leave hours available.

Adjustment Reason - The description of why the adjustment is being recorded.

Number 5

Record Adjustment - Will record the adjustment and update the leave hours available.


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