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The General Information tab contains basic equipment information.


Equipment Masterfile Maintenance - General Information Tab

Equipment Masterfile Maintenance - General Information Tab



Number 1

Equipment Details:

Serial Number - The serial number for the selected equipment ID.

Product - The product code for the selected equipment ID.

Description - The description of the product for the selected equipment ID.

Quantity - The quantity of the product being added to the equipment ID.

Manufacturer - The manufacturer of the product of the selected equipment ID.

Brand - The brand of the product of the selected equipment ID.

Model No - The model number of the product of the selected equipment ID.

Type - The type of equipment the selected product is.

Sales Invoice - The sales invoice number the equipment was sold to the customer on. Can be left blank if the customer purchased the product elsewhere.

Lot/Batch - The lot/batch the selected product belongs to, this will automatically populate from the sales invoice if you sold the product as a lotted item.

Parent ID - The parent equipment ID for the selected product if applicable.

Status - The status of the selected equipment ID, Active/In-Use, Temporarily Inactive, Decommissioned or Returned/Void.

Number 2

Customer/Owner Details:

Customer - The customer code and name will automatically populate from the selected sales invoice. For products purchased elsewhere users will be required to enter customer details.

Del Code - The customer delivery code the selected equipment ID was delivered to.

Name & Address - The customers name and address details will automatically populate from the customers details in Customer Masterfile Maintenance. Users can select Specific Name/Address from the drop down arrow to enter a different name and address if required.

Contact name - The name of the customer contact.

Phone No - The customer's phone number.

Location - The location of where the selected equipment is located.

Bill To Cust - The customer code to be billed for service calls for the selected equipment ID, if different to the Customer that owns the equipment.

Number 3

Comments - Comments can be added to the equipment ID if required.


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