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Service Agreements can be recorded against a customer with start and end dates that are specific to the customer and/or a selected delivery address for that customer. To create a new service agreement entry please refer to Entering a Service Agreement.


Service Agreement Tab Screen

Service Agreement Tab Screen


Number 1

Del Code – Click the magnifying glass to show a list of delivery options for the customer that can be used for the service agreement or leave blank for the service agreement to apply to all delivery addresses

Number 2

S/A Code – Shows service agreement codes available to be selected for the customer. Standard BBS options of service agreements are as follows;

EXTWAR - Select this code if the service agreement is for an Extended Warranty

MANWAR - Select this code if the service agreement is for a Manufacturer Warranty

Number 3

Start Date/End Date – The dates which the service agreement is to start and expire.

Number 4

Add - Saves the selected service agreement

Clear - Deletes the selected service agreement

Number 5

Hide Finished Agreements – If this box is ticked expired agreements will not show on the screen.

Number 6

Existing Service Agreements - details for existing service agreements that are in place for the customer will show in this screen.

tog_minus Entering a Service Agreement


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