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Main Menu > Banking > Bank Transaction Feeds


The Bank Transaction Feeds program allows users to import banking data via QIF files exported from their internet banking platform to create a Bank Transaction Feed which can be used to automate transaction matching and processing which will also automate their bank reconciliations.


Bank Transaction Feeds Screen

Bank Transaction Feeds Screen


Number 1

Bank Code - The bank code or click magnifying glass to search.

Number 2

Search - Users can enter a keyword to search the data in the list box.

Number 3

Hide Posted Transactions - When ticked, posted and matched transactions will be hidden.

Number 4

Refresh (F5) - Will refresh the transactions in the screen.

Number 5

Import QIF - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select the QIF file by opening File Explorer or drag and drop the QIF file for import. When a QIF file is imported, the auto-match process runs automatically (see below).

Number 6

Bank Register - Navigates users to Bank Register Enquiry.

Number 7

Auto Match - Runs the matching algorithm for all unmatched transactions searching for customer codes, invoice numbers, sales order numbers and bank transaction feed rules that match the memo/payee text in the transactions.

Number 8

Bank Transaction Feed - Displays a list of bank transactions for the selected bank code and the transaction status as per below.

Not Matched – needs to be manually matched or a new transaction created from the bank feed transaction.

Potential Match – there are one or more unmatched transactions in the system for this amount. Check the matches before creating a new transaction to avoid duplication.

Auto-Matched – highly confident that the bank transaction already exists in BBS and it is linked up automatically.

New Transaction – a new transaction is to be posted in BBS for the bank transaction. Any that say *CHECK* need to be verified as the amount being paid doesn't match the customers ageing periods and any that say *FUTURE* indicates that a payment is being made for unupdated invoices.

Matched – a manually matched transaction

Posted / Updated – a transaction has been created from the bank feed and it has been posted and updated.

Matched / Updated – the transaction has been previously matched to an existing BBS transaction.

Number 9

Save and Update Transactions - Saves and updates all matched transactions.

Number 10

Create New Transaction - Allows users to create a new transaction for an unmatched bank feed transaction.

Bank Transaction Feed - Create New Transaction Screen

Bank Transaction Feed - Create New Transaction Screen


Number 1

Displays the bank feed transaction details.

Number 2

Transaction Type - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select a different transaction type.

For deposits the transaction types are Cash Receipt (Customer Payment), Direct Credit and Bank Transfer In and for withdrawals the transaction types are Direct Debit and Bank Transfer Out.

Number 3

Cash Receipt (Customer Payment): Where Cash Receipt (Customer Payment) has been selected as the transaction type, users will be required to enter the customer code.

Customer - The customer code or click magnifying glass to search.

Number 4

Quick Transaction - Where Direct Credit, Bank Transfer In, Direct Debit or Bank Transfer Out has been selected as the transaction type, users can select a Quick Transaction by clicking the drop down arrow if one exists.

Number 5

Direct Debits/Direct Credits:

Cost Centre - Cost centre the transaction will be posted against (usually 0100).

Account - G/L account the transaction will be posted to.

Tax Code - Tax Code that is relevant to the transaction.

Number 6

Bank Transfers Out/In - The bank code to which funds will be debited/credited to where the transaction type is a bank transfer in/out.

Number 7

Description - Description of the transaction if required.

Number 8

Create Matching Rule:

Create Matching Rule for Future Transactions - When ticked, future transactions containing the below description will be automatically matched using the selections entered.

Description Must Contain - The description on the bank feed transaction must contain these words to automatically match future transactions. It is advisable to remove all bank reference numbers and generic terms like DIRECT CREDIT and BPAY BILL PAYMENT from the description.

Number 9

OK - Creates the new transaction. If Create Matching Rule for Future Transactions has been selected, the user will be navigated to Bank Transaction Feed Matching Rules Maintenance with the new rule displayed to make any changes necessary.

Clear Match - Clears the match and closes the screen.

Number 11

Match to Existing Transaction - Allows users to match transactions that are Not Matched or Potential Matches to an existing transaction.

NOTE: Multiple transactions can be highlighted prior to clicking the Match to Existing Transaction button where multiple bank transactions appear for a single BBS transaction (eg multiple EFTPOS settlements for a single cash receipt batch in BBS).

Bank Transaction Feed - Match Transactions Screen

Bank Transaction Feed - Match Transactions Screen


Number 1

Displays a list of potential transactions in BBS that could be matched to the bank feed transaction based on value.

Number 2

Match - Matches the transaction to the selected existing transaction.

Clear Match - Clears the match.

Number 12

Split Transaction - Allows users to split a single bank transaction to match to multiple existing BBS transactions, or to split a payment received across multiple customer accounts.

Bank Transaction Feed - Split Transaction Screen

Bank Transaction Feed - Split Transaction Screen


Number 1

Displays the transaction amount, users can enter the amount to split with the remaining amount also shown.

Number 2

Split - Splits the amount entered, giving users 2 transactions in the bank feed transactions screen. One for the amount entered to be split and one for the remaining amount.

Cancel - Cancels the split transaction and closes the screen.

Number 13

Clear Matches - Allows users to clear the matches for the highlighted transactions.

Number 14

Delete Transactions - Allows users to delete the transaction from the bank feed.

Number 15

More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.


Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

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