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Main Menu > Payroll > Maintenance > Allow/Deduct/Entitle Maintenance


The Allow/Deduct/Entitle Maintenance program can be used to create and maintain payroll allowance, deduction and entitlement codes within your organisation.


Allowance/Deduction/Entitlement Maintenance Screen

Allowance/Deduction/Entitlement Maintenance Screen


Number 1

ADE Code - The ADE code or click magnifying glass to search.

Number 2

Description – The description of the ADE code.

Number 3

ADE Type:

Allowance/Income - The selected ADE code is an allowance/income code.

Deduction - The selected ADE code is a deduction code.

Entitlement/Other - The selected ADE code is an entitlement code

Number 4

Tax Status:

Before Tax Calculations - The selected ADE code will be added to the employees gross pay where tax will be deducted from the selected ADE code.

After Tax Calculations - The selected ADE code will be added to the employees net pay where tax will not be deducted from the selected ADE code.

Number 5

Entry Type:

Qty (Hours) - The selected ADE code is based on hours.

Value (Variable) - The selected ADE code will be a variable value.

Value (Fixed) - The selected ADE code will be a fixed value.

Percentage of - The selected ADE code will be a nominated percentage of other ADE codes selected.

Number 6

Fixed Rate/Value/Percentage - The hourly rate where Qty (Hours) is selected, the value where Value (Variable) and Value (Fixed) is selected and the percentage where Percentage of is selected.

Number 7

Rate Multiplier - The rate the selected ADE code will multiply the employees hourly rate by or the fixed rate that has been entered into the Fixed Rate field. ie. Time and a half = 1.5, Double Time = 2.0 etc (Only applicable when Qty(Hours) has been selected as the entry type).

Number 8

Include in Gross Hours Worked - Will include the selected ADE code in the employees gross hours worked. This should be unticked for ADE codes such as Overtime.

Number 9

% based on - The ADE code/s or click magnifying glass to search for the ADE codes that Percentage of will be based on. Please refer to Select Allowances/Deductions/Entitlements for more information.

Number 10

Leave Table - The leave table code or click magnifying glass to search for the relevant leave accrual type where the selected ADE code will accrue leave.

Number 11

Track/Record Dates - When ticked users will be required to enter start and end dates for when the selected ADE code is entered onto an employees pay.

Number 12

Super Table - The super table code or click magnifying glass to search for the relevant super type where the selected ADE code will accrue super.

Number 13

STP Reporting Type - The STP Reporting Type or click magnifying glass to search. Please refer to ATO Coding Definitions - Payroll for more information.

STP Reporting Field - The STP Reporting Field or click magnifying glass to search. Please refer to ATO Coding Definitions - Payroll for more information.

Number 14

Show on Pay Slip - When ticked the selected ADE code will display on the employees payslip.

Number 15

G/L Debit Acc - The general ledger debit account number the selected ADE code will be posted to.

G/L Debit C/C - The cost centre if you wish to override the Employee/Department cost centre.

Number 16

G/L Credit Acc - The general ledger credit account number the selected ADE code will be posted to.

G/L Credit C/C - The cost centre if you wish to to override the Employee/Department cost centre.

Number 17

Include in Leave Calculations - The selected ADE code will be included when calculating the selected leave. Please refer to Include in Leave Calculations for more information.

Number 18

Include in A/D/E Calculations - The selected ADE code will be included when calculating the selected allowances/deductions/entitlements. Please refer to Include in A/D/E Calculations for more information.

tog_plus Include in Leave Calculations

tog_plus Include in A/D/E Calculations

tog_minus Select Allowances/Deductions/Entitlements


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