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Main Menu > Debtors > Maintenance > Web ID Maintenance

Main Menu > Sales Ordering > Web Orders > Web ID Maintenance


The Web ID Maintenance program allows users to edit a customers Web ID and change the customer code the Web ID belongs to. This is useful for when the Web ID has accidentally been linked to the wrong customer code.


Web ID Maintenance Screen

Web ID Maintenance Screen


Number 1

Web ID - Displays the selected Web ID. A Web ID is not the same as a the login customers use to access the website. It is a unique user identifier usually issued by the website.

Web Login - The Web Login for the selected Web ID

Email address - The email address for the selected Web ID

User's Name - userss name for the selected Web ID

Cust Code - The customer code the selected Web ID belongs to

Account Mgr - Displays the Rep Code on the selected customer masterfile

Default Del Code - Default delivery code for the selected Web ID (leave blank for no default delivery address) or click magnifying glass to search

Number 2

Web/EDI Order Processing Section:

Import Orders for Processing - When ticked web orders will import into your web order inbox. This box should only be unticked if you are forwarding the orders on to another business to complete and invoice.

Forward Orders -

Do Not Forward - Web orders will not be forwarded

Email - Web orders will be forwarded via email for the selected Web ID

Fax - Web orders will be forwarded via fax for the selected Web ID

Printer - Web orders will print for the selected Web ID

Forwarding Email/Fax/Printer - Users can enter an email address, fax number or printer for the web orders to be forwarded to or click magnifying glass to search

Number 3

Website Display Options Section:

Display Invoice History - When ticked invoice history will be displayed on the website for this user

Display Loyalty Points -

Automatic - Will display loyalty points on the website for the selected Web ID if no other Web ID for this customer is flagged Yes

Yes - Will display loyalty points online only for the selected Web ID for this customer

No - Will NOT display loyalty points online for the selected Web ID

Number 4

Save - Saves any changes made to the selected customer Web ID

Delete - Deletes the selected customer Web ID

Listing - Exports a list of existing customer Web ID's to an excel spreadsheet


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