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Main Menu > Inventory Control > Maintenance > Tax Code Maintenance


The Tax Code Maintenance program is used to create and maintain tax codes in BBS.


Tax Code Maintenance Screen

Tax Code Maintenance Screen


Number 1

Tax Code - The code for the tax code being created/maintained

Number 2

Description - The description of the tax code being created/maintained

Number 3

Tax Rate - The percentage of the tax code being created/maintained

Number 4

Cost Centre - The cost centre the tax amounts will be posted against (usually 0100)

G/L Acc Tax Collected - The General Ledger account number the taxed amount collected for the selected tax code will posted to

G/L Acc Tax Paid - The General Ledger account number the taxed amount paid for the selected tax code will posted to

Number 5

Save - Will save the tax code and/or any changes made

Clear - Will clear the screen allowing users to select another tax code to maintain

Delete - Will delete the selected tax code

Listing - Exports a list of all existing tax codes to Excel


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