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Main Menu > Inventory Control > Maintenance > Min/Max/WoS Settings Maintenance


The Min/Max/WoS Settings Maintenance program allows users to manipulate the thresholds and factors used when calculating which products should be stocked and the minimum and maximum levels (Full Version only), as well as the weeks of stock calculations. This screen has multiple sections with each section described below.




Number 1

Warehouse Code - The warehouse code or click magnifying glass to search or ** for all warehouses.

Number 2

Product Group - The product group or click magnifying glass to search or *** for all product groups.

Number 3

Periods of history to use - The number of months history to use. (Excluding the current month).

tog_minus Min/Max Qualifications

tog_minus Min/Max Large Custs/Sales

tog_minus Min/Max Factors

tog_minus WAV Usage/Weeks of Stock


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