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Main Menu > Debtors > Maintenance > Customer Class Definition Maintenance



Please refer to Customer Class Definition Maintenance for more information on how customer classes work.


Below are some examples of setting up customer classes.


A, B, C classifications:

In this example we are looking for customers that make up the top 30 percent of sales over the last 24 months as A class customers, the 30-70 percent bracket as B class customers, and the 70-100 percent bracket as C class customers.


A Class Criteria:


Start with no customers and include the top 30% of customers ranked by Sales $ of all product groups over the last 24 months.


B Class Criteria:


Start with no customers, and include the top 70% of customers ranked by Sales $ of all product groups over the last 24 months;

THEN exclude the top 30% of customers ranked by Sales $ of all product groups over the last 24 months (which is the A Class Customers).


C Class Criteria:


Start with no customers, and include the top 99.99% of customers ranked by Sales $ of all product groups over the last 24 months;

THEN exclude the top 70% of customers ranked by Sales $ of all product groups over the last 24 months (which is the A Class and B Class Customers).

Note how 99.99 percent is used instead of 100 percent. This will guarantee  that all $0.00 sales customers over the 24 months aren’t included in C Class.


Top 50 most profitable customers that buy Kitchenware (K01), over the last 12 months:


Start with no customers and include the top 50 customers ranked by Profit $ of product group K01 (where K01 is for Kitchenware) over the last 12 months.


Customers that have stopped buying Kitchenware (K01) in the last 6 months:


Start with no customers and select all customers where sales of Kitchenware (K01) over the last 24 months is greater than $0.01 (this gives you all accounts with Kitchenware sales in the last 24 months);

THEN save this list in memory by selecting **Then with accounts selected at this point ONLY**;

THEN include customers that were on the first list, where sales of Kitchenware over the last 6 months is less than $0.01. (gives you all accounts that didn’t buy Kitchenware in the last 6 months, but were on the first list of buying Kitchenware in the last 24 months)


Top 50 Customers ranked by sales $ of all product groups over the last 36 months, excluding Bathroomware & Jacks sales (Rep Code 02):



It is important to understand why the **Then with accounts selected at this point ONLY** option has been used here.

If we tell the system to rank the top 50 customers first, and then exclude rep code 02, we will end up less than 50 customers in the class if a customer, or customers in the top 50 are in rep code 02.

If we tell the system to exclude rep code 02 first, and then rank the top 50 customers, we are going to end up with more than 50 customers in the class as the top 50 will be calculated and added to the list of all customers not in rep code 02.

So, we need to tell the system to include all customers;

THEN exclude customers in rep code 02;

THEN save this list in memory by selecting **Then with accounts selected at this point ONLY**;

THEN using ONLY the accounts on this list, calculate the top 50 customers ranked by Sales $ of all product groups except Bathroomware over the last 36 months.


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