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Reports Menu > Sales Ordering > Contract Pricing > Contract Prices Affected by Cost Changes


The Contract Prices Affected by Cost Changes Report is based on the future cost log and shows all contract prices where the profit margin may have been affected due to a change in the future cost on products during a selected time range.


Contract Prices Affected by Cost Changes Report Screen

Contract Prices Affected by Cost Changes Report Screen


Parameter Name


Cost Changes Since/Cost Changes Up-To

The two dates are crucial to the data that is reported. Depending on the time the report was last run, users could accidently pick up records that have already been reviewed causing the contract price to be altered more than once for the same cost change, or users could miss certain cost changes that occurred after the report was run. What users should endeavour to achieve with the dates is no overlap from previous reports, and no gap in reporting. Therefore, the best time to run the report would be before or after all cost changes are made for a specific date (eg from one week ago up until yesterday).

Starting Customer

Ending Customer

Selected Customers

Starting Account Manager

Ending Account Manager

Selected Account Managers

Starting Market Code

Ending Market Code

Selected Market Codes

Selected Customer Groups

Parameters to restrict the customers you wish to generate the report for.

Sort By

Product - The report will sort and display by Product

Customer - The report will sort and display by Customer

Rep Code (Customer) - The report will sort and display by Customer Rep Code

Market Code - The report will sort and display by Market Code


When the required parameters have been entered, the Contract Prices Affected by Cost Changes Report will be generated.


Contract Prices Affected by Cost Changes Report

Contract Prices Affected by Cost Changes Report


If the cost on a product changes more than once during the selected date range, the report will pick up the first ‘old cost’ and the last ‘new cost’ as if the cost was only changed once ( captures the starting point and ending point of the product’s cost between the two dates).


The ‘Suggested New Price’ column at the right hand side of the report will suggest a new price to users. It will either show a price that has been calculated to ensure G/P is retained, or it will alert users if the contract price should be removed altogether because the cost has now increased to such a level that the standard price for this product, for this customer, should be used instead.


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