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Reports Menu > Sales Ordering > Contract Pricing > Contract Price Review Report


The Contract Price Review Report allows users to generate a report using a selection of parameters to review customer contract prices.


Contract Price Review Report Screen

Contract Price Review Report Screen


Parameter Name


Products Purchased From

Products Purchased To

The from/to date for the sales data and products to include on the report.

Starting Customer

Ending Customer

Selected Customers

Starting Account Manager

Ending Account Manager

Selected Account Managers

Starting Market Code

Ending Market Code

Selected Market Codes

Selected Customer Groups

Starting Product Code

Ending Product Code

Selected Product Groups

Parameters to restrict the contract prices you wish to see on the report.

Inc Current Contract Prices

Yes - Products with current contract prices will be displayed

Inc Expired Contract Prices

Yes - Products with expired contract prices will be displayed

Data Entry Column

G/P% Entry - The G/P% Entry column will be highlighted on the report to be filled in.

Price Entry - The Price Entry column will be highlighted on the report to be filled in.

Markup% Entry - The Markup Entry column will be highlighted on the report to be filled in.

Accumulate Sales to C/P Parent

Yes - Where a contract price for a customer is inherited from another customer, sales data will be accumulated to the parent account (The customer the contract prices are inherited from) and the child account will not be shown.

Include CLOSED Accounts

Yes - Customer accounts with the credit status of CLOSED will be included in the report.

Include Non-Contracted Prices

Yes - All products sold to the customers between the selected dates, using the selected parameters, will be included on the report. (Not just products on contract).

Contract Prices Expiring Before

Include only products with contract pricing expiring on or before this date.

Sort By

Product Code - The report will sort and display by product code.

Product Group - The report will sort and display by product group.


When the required parameters have been entered, the Contract Price Review Report will be generated.


Example of Contract Price Review Report

Example of Contract Price Review Report


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